Want more energy, clear skin and a thinner waist line? Raw vegan recipes are the easiest and in many cases the funnest way to achieve your goals and still eat as much as you like. Ingredients:   1 cup walnuts, soaked overnight...
When it gets cold outside, there is nothing better than snuggling up with a warm cup of hot chocolate. Yummy treats like hot chocolate are often synonymous with drinking dairy and sugar, which may leave you feeling less than...
Fall can be a really busy time for most people. Getting back on to your regular schedule doesn't have to be hard; it just takes a little extra time and a bit of planning. Try making your lunches before...
Hummus is one of the most classic and popular plant based dishes around. I would be willing to bet that most people who have transitioned to a plant based lifestyle have, at one point or other, developed a hummus...
Candida is a commonly mis-diagnosed fall back when something just doesn't feel right. However, it can also be a legitimate and challenging health problem to sort through. Still confused? Check out The Full Scoop on Diagnosing and Healing Candida. If...
Making your own home-made soups does not have to mean slaving away for hours over boiling pots. It can actually be quite fun and easy! This veggie soup is super nourishing and comes together quite quickly. It is great...
  There’s something so heartening about preparing and consuming a wholesome, filling, and nutrient-dense meal that utilizes all the best flavors nature offers. Different than typical veggie-rich macrobiotic bowls, however, this live food version is blossoming with vibrant colors, has a...
Gone gluten-free? Who knew gluten-free, vegan pasta could taste so good! This flavorful pasta dish quick and easy, turns out in about 30 minutes, and could also be made with spiralized zucchini noodles instead of gluten-free pasta. Ingredients: ¼ cup pine...
This was my first go at making a curry dish, and I have to say, it turned out great. I not only had Caleb praising my name but another friend of ours started doing a giddy dance after taking...
  Quinoa is a gluten-free 100% whole grain with an impressive amino acid profile rarely found in other grains. It was once considered the "grain of the gods" in ancient times, and is now popular because of it's extremely high...