Feeling nauseous is no fun. Here is my quick and easy smoothie that I have used to help my friends and family feel better when their tummies are unhappy. Ingredients:  1 frozen banana 1 cup very cold water - The cold is...
This is a delicious and comforting soup recipe that will help you use up that zucchini from the garden. Adding herbs at the end of the preparation protects enzymes and phytonutrients, and intensifies the soup’s flavor.  If you don't...
Most of North America is starving for more energy, and we're seeking it from the wrong source - caffeine and unhealthy stimulants. Your body is pretty smart, so when you feel tired, it's probably because you need more rest....
1. Swap out vegetable oils for coconut oil - Coconut oil has one of the highest smoke points of the fats used for cooking.  What this means is that it can be heated up to about 250 degrees Celsius...
Candida is a commonly mis-diagnosed fall back when something just doesn't feel right. However, it can also be a legitimate and challenging health problem to sort through. Still confused? Check out The Full Scoop on Diagnosing and Healing Candida. If...
Fall is back and the pumpkin recipes are out! There's something so satisfying about a warm bowl of veggies and curry on a cool or rainy day. As the seasons shift, colder months can bring on more food cravings,...
Chia is an edible seed that comes from the desert plant Salvia Hispanica, grown in Mexico dating back to Mayan and Aztec cultures. "Chia" means strength, and tradition has it that these cultures used the tiny black and white...
Gone gluten-free? Who knew gluten-free, vegan pasta could taste so good! This flavorful pasta dish quick and easy, turns out in about 30 minutes, and could also be made with spiralized zucchini noodles instead of gluten-free pasta. Ingredients: ¼ cup pine...
Radishes can add kick and crunch to your favorite salads, but did you know they can help ward off and ease symptoms of indigestion such as gas and bloating?  This is because radishes are rich in sulphur compounds that...
Craving something salty & crunchy? How about a real, whole food solution to your dilemma of healthy over happy. You can have both! Some people believe that yams are actually toxic when consumed raw, so even though they are used...