Craving fruit? This smoothie will awaken your sense, make you tingle and flood your cells with life force energy! It's a delicious way to start the day. Caleb and I have this smoothie once in a while, he really...
The ingredients in this smoothie help rebuild nerve tissues in the brain and body, remove heavy metals from the system, and also provides a great source of iron, Vitamin A and Vitamin K. If you're an active person or...
With ice cream recipes as easy as this one, there's no need to spend $10 bucks for a tiny little carton of vegan ice cream anymore. Since we've been eating a ton of fruit and banana ice cream, I...
Green Smoothies are a big part of our lives, we make them every morning after we have a few glasses of water. If you want to improve your health, lose weight, tone up, clear your skin or have more...
Here's your Smoothie of the day♥ This fruity combination was super tasty and very sour. I recommend doing only 1 kiwi if you prefer it to be more sweet then sour. Caleb made this for us on V-day with...
I made this antioxidant packed energy smoothie while we were in Maui. The picture and recipe were on our facebook page which reminded me to share it here with you :) Oh and by the way, I named this...
I've been craving organic cherries lately but since they aren't in season it's been tough to find them. Finally the other day we found some organic frozen cherries at Lifestyles Market in Victoria, BC.
Listening to the body's cravings for...
This is by far one of my favourite green smoothies on the planet. I'd say Caleb and I drank this recipe every morning and sometimes more than once a day for at least 6 months straight. This drink is...
Today we're doing a recipe swap with Tracy Russell from Incredible Smoothies Her lemon-lime detox smoothie recipe seriously rawks, and it's super simple making it perfect for busy mornings. If you're new to green smoothies or have picky eaters...
Yumminessss in my tumminess this smoothie is incredible! I was still feeling inspired by yesterdays Lemon Lime Detox Smoothie and this is what happened :) Rich tropical notes with an exotic hint of Aloe Vera yet a familiar orange creamsicle flavour,...