This Creamy Vanilla and Fig Tart is Dairy, Gluten Free and Delicious!

fig tart 1

This is a beautiful and easy to make tart. I was walking through my local grocer and my eyes were drawn upon these wonderful figs. I quickly purchased a handful and ran home to create something delicious. Figs are rich in fibre, B5, B6 and magnesium and have a real sweetness to them, so I wanted to pair them with a smooth but not too sweet vanilla cream. This is my little creation and I hope you enjoy it! I used a 10 cm tart tin with a removable bottom- these tins are great for raw treats as they can pop out with ease!

Ingredients: makes one small tart (10cm/12cm Diameter)


  • 1/2 cup shredded coconut
  • 1/2 cup hazelnut meal (can use almond)
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil
  • 1 teaspoon rice malt syrup
  • 1 teaspoon cacao powder


  • 3/4 cup of soaked cashews
  • 1/4 cup coconut milk
  • 1 teaspoon coconut oil
  • 1 teaspoon organic vanilla essence
  • 1 teaspoon rice malt syrup
  • 1 tiny sprinkle of himalayan sea salt
  • a pinch of cinnamon
  • Top with 1 fresh fig


  1. Soak your cashews in water overnight, or for a minimum of 4 hours
  2. lightly dab coconut oil on your tart tin.
  3. In bowl combine your base ingredients: shredded coconut, hazelnut meal, coconut oil, rice malt and cacao.
  4. Mix these ingredients together with your hands (clean of course) until it forms a dough
  5. Place the dough in the tin and push down to form the base of the tart.
  6. Place the base in the fridge to set.
  7. In a blender place the filling ingredients: drained cashew nuts, coconut milk, vanilla, rice malt, coconut oil, salt, and cinnamon
  8. Pulse the mix for 30 seconds and then blend for 3 – 5 minutes until a smooth consistency is formed
  9. Pour the filling on top of the base and place in the freezer for one hour or until set
  10. Once the cake has set take it out the freezer and let it sit in the fridge for 10 minutes before serving
  11. Chop up a fig and decorate as you like, I like to layer in a flower pattern but whatever you like best.
  12. serve with some hot tea or fresh fruit

I hope you enjoy this simple, creamy and dairy free tart.
With Love


Amy Hotz