The Best Nacho Cheese EVER!

The Best Raw Vegan Nacho Cheese Ever
The Best Raw Vegan Nacho Cheese Ever

I don’t know about you, but I used to love that nacho cheese you get at 7-11 or the grocery store before I was a conscious eater. What I mean by “conscious eater” isn’t that my diet is perfect and free of all indulgences, just that I am always looking for ways to optimize my healthy treats and pay close attention to what’s going in my body.

Looking back, I don’t think I even thought about how many toxic chemicals were in that stuff. Needless to say, as humans, we all still crave tasty food and from time to time, Nacho Cheese!

This is the best Nacho Cheese Recipe ever, if you feed this to your friends, family or children, I can guarantee they won’t have a clue this isn’t the real stuff, as long as you don’t tell them 🙂


  • 1/4 cup irish moss
  • 1/2 red pepper
  • 1/4 cup sun-dried tomatoes
  • 1 – 1.5 raw cashews (depends on how much you want to make)
  • 2 tbsp nutritional yeast
  • 1 tbsp garlic powder
  • 1 tbsp onion powder
  • 1 tsp chili powder
  • 1 tsp pink Himalayan salt

Instructions: Blend irish moss with a bit of water in the Vitamix until it becomes a paste, add other ingredients and blend to reach a thick and creamy consistency. Serve warm with veggies, dehydrated breads or crackers.

Sheleana Aiyana