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Tag: green smoothies

Dare we say summer is over... While we're hoping for a sunny fall, it's time to start fortifying our immune system for colder times. Get on top of this now so you're...
Simple green smoothie recipes are a great way to gently detox, shed unwanted weight and reduce inflammation. Some people have found they lose 5-10 pounds easily in their first month of swapping out coffee in the morning for a...
Look no further than this magically green smoothie for a way to add more iron to your diet. Get ready to pump iron with all that iron, because pineapple and lime are both excellent sources of vitamin C, which...
1. 30 Day Green Smoothie Challenge The 30 Day Green Smoothie Challenge App by Young and Raw hit #1 in Food & Drink in the US & Canada and has become a wildly popular way for people to kickstart their...
It's nearly the end of January, and even if your New Year's Resolutions aren't still fully in tact, this green smoothie is here to finish off the month on a great note. Coconut water will keep you hydrated and...
This mint shake will leave your taste buds refreshed and satisfied. Mint will soothe and calm your digestive juices to help support healthy digestion. Packed with abundant omegas from the avocado, your brain function and mood will be uplifting...
Simple weight loss green smoothies can help boost your energy and keep cravings for sugar and other snacks at bay. Detox and lose weight by eating a diet of whole foods combine with gentle movement and lots of water....
Ingesting plenty of greens on the daily will give you a plethora of easy to assimilate amino acids from which your body can build protein. Add to the mix a scoop or two of Sprout Living's Epic Protein and...
The Vega team sent us over some of their products to experiment with and this was one of the first creations! The result of this recipe is a delicious meal in a glass, with a balanced ratio of plant-based...
Last month, a friend asked me, “If you could eat only one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?” Tough question. But let’s think about this… First off, this question is about health, not flavor. So let’s...