4 Tips for Staying Sane During the Holidays

5 Chinese Medicine Tips for Easy and Healthy Weight Loss

Let’s face it, as happy as the holidays are, they can sometimes be pretty stressful. Often times we find ourselves running around trying to do a million things at once…and before you know it, we have a major meltdown. We’ve lost focus on our sanity, and our nutritional health and wellness has slipped out the back door. We’ve all been there, so let’s make a vow, to ensure this year we have the happiest and healthiest of holidays.

1. Take a Minute

It’s time to put down that shopping basket, step outside and go for a stroll…sounds crazy right?  How can I do this when I have so much shopping to do?  It’s easier than it sounds, and believe me, once you do, you’ll be able to clear your mind, and focus on what you’re doing. Sometimes all you need to do is take a step back and evaluate; do you need to go overboard and spend more than you’re wanting?  No. Show your love, without the feeling remorse over your credit card, by making your gifts using your hidden talents. Heck!  Maybe you make the meanest smoothie on the block. Take a minute to focus on what nourishes you and makes you feel good. When we’re busy, it can really take a load off your shoulders if you spend some time taking care of yourself. My favorite feel good smoothie is this energizing Cranberry Ginger Beet Smoothie featuring Vega One, which has 20g of plant-based protein and 25% of my daily fiber needs. That way if I do have to hit the shops again, I’m feeling fuller for longer, and more able to focus. Before you know it, I’m doing what I really want to be doing—relaxing and enjoying time with friends and family!

2. All that glitters isn’t gold

Let your holiday spirit shine through and be the life of the party. No one wants you running around waiting on them hand and foot, nor do you want to be slaving away in the kitchen while everyone’s enjoying each other’s company. Try making your party a potluck, so you’ll have time to relax and enjoy your party, and your guests will have a chance to share their holiday favorites. Your guests didn’t come to your holiday party to look at your decorations or to be showered in gifts; they came because they want to spend time with you, so enjoy their company and your party. If you’re in need of fun quick and healthy side dishes, you can check out our Vega Recipe Center for inspiration.

3. The Gift of Action

You know what lasts longer and is more fun than opening a present?  Getting active!  Make your presence count and take your loved ones on a winter wonderland adventure. Sled at your local hill, ice skate outdoors, or bundle up, grab some hot chocolate and head out for an evening stroll. We’ll soon forget the gift card we received from Uncle John, but we’ll never forget the time he took us to the frozen pond and set up a hockey game for the whole family to enjoy. The times that are most memorable are the times we spend together.

4. Practice gratitude

Now that we’ve learned some tips on how to de-stress and enjoy our holidays, why not pay it forward? Ever noticed how a compliment or a kind word from a stranger leaves you feeling like you have an extra pep in your step?  And doesn’t it feel nice knowing that you have the power to make someone feel that way?  Maybe you see someone in line at the grocery store and they seem stressed. Pay them a compliment, or offer to help them carry their groceries out. They have a lot of groceries and seem like they’re in a hurry? Let them go ahead of you in line. It’s the little things that can turn someone’s day around. Try doing one nice thing for yourself (make time to go to a yoga class, have a relaxing bubble bath, or treat yourself to your favorite holiday tea or coffee), and then pay it forward, by doing one nice thing for a friend or a complete stranger.

Sarah Skalzub