How 21 Days of Raw Food Gave Me My Life Back

I am 56 years old, married to the love of my life, whom I refer to as my 'granola'. I have 3 amazing adult...

How I Lost 71 lbs with Green Smoothies and Raw Food Cleansing

I found Young and Raw via Facebook last January and signed up for the February 30 Day Green Smoothie Challenge. I wanted to lose...

The 5 Secrets to Successful Vegetable Juicing and 4 Juice Recipes to Try

Juicing vegetables for detox, weight loss or reducing inflammation is a wonderful plan of action. In saying this, there are a few reasons why...

Should You Juice or Blend? The Difference Between Juices & Smoothies

Being apart of the raw food world in any capacity means that you have most likely been introduced to the worlds of juicing...

The Best Raw Vegan Plant Based Protein Sources on the Planet

Could there be a greater controversy in the health realm than the vegan vs. omnivore debate over protein? If you've been living a plant...

Free: 1 Day Super Green Detox by

Experiencing sugar cravings, fatigue or an unwanted sloth-like feeling? This one day detox plan was designed to support all of your elimination organs, with a...

How I Dropped 5 Pounds by Changing My Afternoon Routine

Just by making simple, proactive changes to my afternoon routine, I was able to lose 5 pounds, reduce my stress levels, and improve my...

3 DIY Hair Masks for a Dry Itchy Scalp

Nothing is worse than being irritated by a dry itchy scalp. Getting luscious locks is easier than you think. Of course, our diet plays...

7 Strategies to Kick Sugar Cravings and Detox from Sugar

1. Eat fermented foods like sauerkraut, kefir, or kombucha. These foods are excellent for detoxification and can help nourish gut bacteria. A lot of times...

A Vegan Superfood Chocolate Fudge that Will Make You Weak in the Knees (Beyond...

Rich, velvety chocolate infused with almonds and dates for a filling and indulgent treat. Tack on the addition of Chinese Herbs and you may...