Raw sushi is another one of those super easy and fun to make recipes that will please the whole family and make an easy clean up job for the chef. The best part is you don't need any equipment...
Ingredients: 2 organic red pepper diced 1 organic green pepper diced 1 purple onion diced 1/8th of a pineapple sliced Raw Pizza Sauce Recipe: Equipment: Vitamix or highpowered blender 2 cups sundried tomatoes 3 cloves garlic 1 pinch of pink himilayan salt 10 fresh basil leaves ...
Wanna know how to be a vegan and still have pizza nights? These portabello pizzas are a lot of fun and super easy to make. You can have them vegan style and top them with vegan cheese or eat...
1. Swap out vegetable oils for coconut oil - Coconut oil has one of the highest smoke points of the fats used for cooking.  What this means is that it can be heated up to about 250 degrees Celsius...
Fall is back and the pumpkin recipes are out! There's something so satisfying about a warm bowl of veggies and curry on a cool or rainy day. As the seasons shift, colder months can bring on more food cravings,...
With the weather getting cooler, and the days getting shorter adding more cooked and grounding foods to your diet can be very comforting. In Ayurvedic medicine, fall is a time for nurturing and grounding foods which can mean including...
After spending most of our day walking and exploring our beautiful city today, we were very hungry and wanted a simple yet delicious and energizing meal. This salad was quick, refreshing and enlivening! To play with this recipe, you...
I don't know about you but once fall arrives, it's pumpkin-palooza around here! In my kitchen, pumpkin goes into everything. Pumpkin cookies, pumpkin muffins, pumpkin pancakes, pumpkin sauces, pumpkin soups and definitely pumpkin smoothies! You can add it to almost...
I love coconut milk for so many reasons.  It's rich in medium chain fatty acids which are gentle on the liver and nourishing for the skin, hair and nails.  It has anti-microbial properties due to its lauric acid content...
Chocolate bark is one of my favorite recipes to give as a gift, bring to dinners and potlucks, and of course to have in the cupboard as a treat for myself. I've made it so many different ways, and...