Vibrant Carrot Apple Juice

Vibrant Carrot Apple Juice

This is a great juice to make as it requires only 2 ingredients. I don’t know about you, but my juices typically consist of anywhere from 6-8 different fruits and veggies. I love variety and incorporating as many different ingredients, which means I get more bang for my buck with nutrients.

I love this juice because of its simplicity. Apples and carrots are so full of nutrients and offer the perfect amount of sweetness. With a high potassium content to support cardiovascular health and Vitamin A to support eye, skin and bone health, you’ll want to whip up this easy and delicious juice today.

Let’s get juicing! Here’s all you need…


  • 3-4 large carrots, washed and peeled (if not organic)
  • 2 apples, washed and cored (red delicious, fiji, pink lady, gala…your choice)

Instructions: Press through a juicer, pour into your favorite glass and enjoy!



Samantha Gladish
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