Sesame seeds are a rich source of plant-based calcium and make a delicious, flavorful dairy free milk which is especially good for pregnant and nursing mothers. Add this as a base to your smoothies, oatmeal, chia-pudding or drink a...
Strawberries are a fun seasonal treat that always look fresh and beautiful in salads, fruit bowls, chia-pudding or on their own. It’s pretty amazing that with all the hype surrounding hard to find and expensive to get superfoods, we’ve...
Healthy eating can and should be simple and achievable for all. Here are 6 Simple Tips for Eating Healthy that you can use to guide your choices on a daily basis. 1. Avoid processed or fried anything. You'll have more...
We have all experienced that mid-afternoon slump. You start to feel your eye lids droop and you contemplate taking a little nap at your desk. If this is happening to you, try some of the following foods to give...
Hormone imbalances are becoming more and more common. Hormones in our food supply, toxic chemicals in our environment, stress, poor nutrition, lack of rest and being out of synch with nature all contribute to the possibility of becoming out...
Your body is speaking to you all the time. Your body is your interface, that thing that connects your inner world - your thoughts, feelings, emotions - with the outer world. Your body can be an amazing tool to...
Ginger is a true super herb. It's a carminative herb, which means that it will help to clean, as well as heal the digestive tract. In Ayurveda, ginger is a common ingredient in meals, teas and soups because it...
Sometimes you must take one step backwards in order to move two steps forward. Chinese Tonic Herbalism (based on 5,000 years of history, benefits and wisdom) provides us with the system of Superior Tonic Herbs and lights the way...
Adding these five spices to your food stimulates your brain's satiety center, making weight loss easier. Remember that if you're using these spices to lose weight, it is best to combine them with a healthy lifestyle of wholesome foods,...
Insomnia is a condition where a person has a difficult time falling asleep at night or staying asleep through the night. This condition is more common than you might think with anywhere from 30-50 percent of the world population...