When one holiday ends there is always another one soon approaching...or there's a wedding or some other must-attend event!  You may have asked yourself, "how do you stay healthy while still enjoying the holidays and not obsessing over food?". Well,...
Microbes are pathogenic organisms that tend to make us sick. Your body works all day every day fighting off these microbes in order to keep you healthy. That is why you have an immune system! Sometimes however the immune...
  Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin (technically a hormone) that is generally produced by special cells in our skin, in conjunction with cholesterol. When the sun hits your skin, it sets off a series of chemical reactions that...
I’ve been traveling as a nomad for 1000 days and counting—and I’ve never been healthier in my life. What’s the secret? A number of different core practices, including exercise, meditation, and gratitude. But perhaps one of the most important is eating...
Your body and your mind thrive when there is some level of predictability in your life. The human body is constantly seeking a state of “homeostasis” which means that the internal conditions of the body are remaining as constant...
You've probably heard of hydrogenated oils, but do you know exactly what they are, how they are made or why they are not so great for your health? Hydrogenated oils are unsaturated oils that have been put through a process...
According to a recent Gallup Poll, about 48% of Americans consume at least 1 glass of soda every day, with 7% reporting drinking 4 or more glasses a day. That is a lot of pop!  The Coca Cola brand...
Green Smoothies are a delicious and easy way to infuse your body with nutrients every day. They provide the body with a clean energy source, help boost mood, and also create clear and glowing skin. This recipe is designed...
1. Anti-Inflammatory: Due to its Flavonoid, Carotenoid and Lycopene content, watermelon is one of natures most effective anti-inflammatory foods. 2. Supports Eye health: Watermelon is very high in Vitamin A, and antioxidant vitamin that is essential for eye health. 3. Supports Immunity:...
Inflammation is a common concern that food can either aggravate or heal depending on your choices. If you're becoming more mindful about pain management, overall health and wellness or gut health, anything with probiotics or cherries is going to...