4 Ways To Detox Your Beauty Routine Today

The number of toxic chemicals we're exposed to on a daily basis is staggering. Triclosan, toluene, phthalates, synthetic fragrances, petroleum by-products, heavy metals and...

Vitamin B12: The Most Important Supplement for Modern Human Beings

At one time in history we got all the B12 we needed from soil based probiotics living on the foods we ate and the...

11 Incredibly Healing Uses for Chamomile Tea

Chamomile has long been recognized for its medicinal and beauty benefits. There are two common varieties used, German Chamomile (Chamomilla recutita) and Roman Chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile). The...

DIY: Make Your Own Natural Shampoo and Conditioner

  Just like we need to detox our bodies from toxins, it is also really important that we give our hair a detox. You might...

How Writing Letters of Gratitude Can Make You Fall in Love with Life

Words: They encapsulate the way we perceive and publicize ourselves with the world. They offer a mode of capturing and communicating the images that have...

3 Hot New Superfoods You’ll See in 2014

1. Mulberries - Goji berries are great, but it's time to let the mulberry share some of the superfruit spotlight. These incredibly sweet berries are...

DIY Non-Toxic Bug Spray: Fend off Bug Bites with Essential Oils!

Do you ever find yourself out and about somewhere swarming with mosquitoes and other little buggies? If you want to keep the bugs away...

Eat Sunflower Seeds to Help Balance Your Estrogen & Progesterone

We most commonly hear about Brazil nuts for their high amounts of selenium, but sunflower seeds are an affordable choice that also lend themselves...

Collard Greens Outshine Kale with their Nutrient Profile

The cholesterol-lowering ability of collard greens may be the greatest of all commonly eaten cruciferous vegetables! In a recent study, steamed collard greens outshine steamed kale,...

Carob is Superfood Rich in B Vitamins (And it Tastes a Little Like Chocolate)

Carob is native to the eastern Mediterranean, where it has been grown for 4,000 years. It has also been known since ancient times as...